Friday, November 4, 2011


Yesterday, Joshua had his interview with the Dean of Education and the Principal at Eastwood Academy.  The interview went very well.  Joshua was articulate in explaining himself and the Dean was very kind and answered all of Joshua's questions and addressed all of his concerns.  While I filled out some paperwork, Joshua was taken on a tour of the school.

Here is what we were told about Eastwood Academy and our impressions.

1.  Eastwood Academy is incredibly competitive.  The kids that attend are extremely driven to get good grades much like my son Joshua and work very hard to have the highest GPA possible.  This is part of the GPA game, taking as many weighted classes as possible so that you can have the highest GPA possible.  I can see good and bad in this.

2.  The students really do seem to enjoy the school and one talked about how "fun" Eastwood Academy is.  I was also told that the school is like a family.  Which is wonderful for my son since he feels so homesick for Illinois and his friends there.

3.  The principal is very no-nonsense but also very caring and kind.  I can really appreciate this.

4.  Joshua will have to take 2 courses online so as not to lose credit for them.  Government is not taken in HISD until senior year, however Joshua was taking it his freshman year in Illinois.  So, he will complete the semester online.  French is not currently offered at Eastwood Academy, so Joshua will have to complete a semester of French online.  Because of Joshua's natural drive, I have no doubt that he will do fine with the self-direction needed to complete the online courses.

In a nutshell, we are really happy for Joshua and look forward to his years at Eastwood Academy.  Joshua is nervous about the work involved this first semester to catch up, but he is up for the challenge!

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