Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ready, Set, Go!

The day after tomorrow, we close on our home in Eastwood.  After living in a hotel and sending kids to school from a hotel room.... I'm really ready to be in our home!  At least I can say that with all the driving around I've had to do (I've put more miles on my car this past week than I have in a few months back in Illinois!) I have at least gotten to know the neighborhood well.  I'm also getting more familiar with Houston inside the loop.  Of course I imagine I will continue to get lost, but at least I have a feel for where things are now.

This picture was taken from our old home back in Illinois right before we moved to Houston.  It is kind of sad to leave the home we had for 6 years, but we are ready and set to go into our new lives in Houston!

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