Monday, November 7, 2011

First Day of School in Eastwood

Today was the boys official first day at Eastwood Schools.

The verdict is......

Great!  All three boys had very good days!  Matthew said everyone was really nice to him.  He didn't like his teacher at Lantrip as much as his previous teacher at Leal because this teacher at Lantrip is really strict.  However, he still had a great day and made a new friend already named Jaime.  I asked him if he learned any spanish from his classmates and he said, "no, they all speak perfect English."  :)  I said, " I know silly, I was just wondering if they taught you any spanish."

Christopher also had a very good day.  He liked his teachers and the students were all very nice to him.  He said it will take him a while to get used to the school and the schedule, but he made it through the day with no difficulties...Yay!  When I saw him after school, he was all smiles and I gave him the sign for thumbs up or thumbs down and he gave me the thumbs up sign.  :)

Joshua was the child who was most upset about moving from Illinois, but probably had the best day of the 3.  As I picked him up from Eastwood Academy, he had a whole group of ninth graders around him.  As he left, they all called out, "bye Josh!"  He had a huge smile on his face :)  He couldn't believe how friendly everyone is!

All in all, a great and successful day!

Go Eastwood!

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