Monday, December 19, 2011

Sunday Ride Then Dinner with New Friends

We had another great day on Sunday.  Our friends were feeling better and were up for a short ride around town.  We left around 3:30 pm and rode north and then east along a good stretch of bike trails.  The weather was perfect and the conversation was pleasant as we rode along enjoying the sights and sounds of the east side.  We eventually made it over to Mason Park.  Such a pretty park!  It was near the neighborhood of Idylwood and the bayou, along with the rolling hills and all the lovely green made for a beautiful setting.  I could have ridden for several more hours, but everyone was getting a little hungry so we headed home and had dinner with our friends.

We have really enjoyed spending time with Susan and Allan.  They have such an extensive knowledge of the area and Allan knows all the best places to go for cycling.  We have a lot more rides planned and I can't wait to see what new places we will explore on our next ride!  Seeing Houston on the back of a bike is the VERY best way to experience the city!

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