Thursday, December 8, 2011

Stolen Bike

Well, now a not-so-positive post...

4 days after my husband bought a new bike it was stolen off our front porch.  It was locked up (cable lock) to the railing of our front porch and the iron gate across the front of our yard was closed.  It wasn't locked, but it was closed.  Apparently, sometime during the night the bike was stolen.  They came into the yard even with a closed gate and cut the cable lock and took the bike.  The next day I went out and bought a padlock for the front gate.  Sucks that I have to do that :(  I also made sure to lock all the rest of the bikes in the shed out back that now also has a padlock on it.  I guess if this is the worst crime we see in Eastwood, then we are doing pretty well.

My Mom and Dad are coming to visit after Christmas.  They informed me last night that they had looked up the crime stats for our zip code.  I guess it made them nervous, but they say they are still coming.  Most of the crime was all non-violent, but there was some aggravated assault (I hear this is mostly domestic) and some murders.  I told them this is all part of living in such a big city and that most murders are not random. I take the approach of just being smart and not getting involved in illegal activities that would put me or my family at risk.  I am always aware of my surroundings and I am not under any illusions that I live in a crime-free area.

In the end, does this change my view point of Eastwood?  No.  Just it make me regret my choice in living here?  No.  Does it affect my comfort level in home and neighborhood?  No.  I love my neighborhood, warts and all :)

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