Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Matthew's Birthday

Matthew's birthday came the week we moved into the house in Eastwood.  Poor kid, he didn't have the usual type birthday because I was just overwhelmed with everything going on.  However, I did take him of school to have lunch at Bohemeo's, brought cupcakes to school to share with his classmates and we all went out to eat as a family at Mandola's Deli in Eastwood.

I cannot say enough good things about Bohemeo's!  We love the food, the atmosphere, the service.... everything.  :)  Matthew loves the shrimp tacos the best.

The first pictures are of Matthew with his class at Lantrip.  I am amazed at how polite and sweet all the kids are.  Matthew is very happy at Lantrip and is making lots of friends.

We had dinner at Mandola's and the food was wonderful.  The owner came out and talked to us and welcome us to Eastwood.  We really enjoyed the atmosphere and the service there also.  :D

Lastly, we came home and opened presents and had cake and ice cream.  Poor Matthew had to have leftover cupcakes from school rather than a cake since I was just so busy trying to get the house put together after the big move, but he didn't seem to mind.

*quick note about Krogers in Eastwood:  I bought the cupcakes for Matthew's class at Krogers there in Eastwood and I want to give kudos to the women working in the bakery.  They were so kind and helpful to me.  They looked in back to find another container of cupcakes for me and I really appreciated the service I received there!

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