Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I have loved cycling here in Houston.  I especially love riding my bike downtown.  I look for excuses to go downtown actually.  :)  Today, I rode my bike from my home in Eastwood to the downtown library, my bank's main branch downtown and I stopped off at Phoenicia's before heading home.  Even with all the construction going on, I have had absolutely no trouble getting around on my bike.  I have ventured outside of downtown also, but my favorite place to cycle has to be around the downtown area.  There is something really cool about riding amongst all the VERY tall skyscrapers.

I also really enjoy walking downtown.  Often, I will get off my bike and walk it through Discovery Green, a park we have in downtown.  I keep meaning to take the kids there one day, maybe for ice skating, but there always seems to be something else going on or I just forget.  I also enjoy the shops they have downtown.  I am not one for HUGE malls, so I like to stop by the different "Houston Centers" to do a little shopping.

Cycling has also been a great way to meet people in the neighborhood.  Plus, I think I am getting to know Houston better on the seat of my bike rather than the seat of my car.  All in all, living in Eastwood has proven to be very bike friendly for my lifestyle.  :)

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