Monday, December 19, 2011

Jandek at the Menil Museum

Thanks to a very informed friend, we are able to find out about a lot of great events taking place in Houston.  :)  One such event was a free concert at the Menil Museum this past Saturday night.  We were supposed to ride our bikes over with friends, but unfortunately their family got hit with a nasty virus and they were just too sick to go.  We decided to go ahead and go on our own and I'm really glad we did.  I would have liked to have ridden our bikes, but we were really relying on our friends who know the best route to take and they were home sick.  Earlier that day, Jimmy and I rode our bikes to downtown and did some shopping at Macy's.  I was surprised how very little was open on a Saturday, but we found a lot of what we were looking for at Macy's and the ride downtown was quiet and relaxing.  On our way home, we stopped off at Discovery Green.  What a beautiful park!  It was absolutely packed with families!  Sometime we will have to take the kids there for some ice skating.  All in all, Saturday was a really nice day, even though we missed our bike ride with our friends.

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