Monday, October 10, 2011

Light Rail Expansion

This is something everyone in Eastwood is excited about.  Being new to the area, I didn't understand the signifigance of the light rail in Houston.  But here is what I'm told.  The light rail will bring (everyone hopes at least) much needed retail to the East End.  Can it really make that much difference?  I've also heard that people in Houston have a strange relationship with public transportation.  Kind of like, only the poor ride public transportation.  This is not the case where I'm from.  We don't have light rail, only buses, but being that it's in a college town it is very widely used.  My kids and I used it quite a lot.  I assumed that we would use public transportation often in Houston, but realized very quickly that Houston's bus system isn't as extensive as the one I'm used to.

I think all the construction on Harrisburg must be for the light rail expansion... being new, it's just an educated guess.  See the brick building on the left?  Wouldn't that be a great spot for a neighborhood organic grocery/cafe/coffee shop?

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