Monday, October 10, 2011

Jackson Middle School

Now, onto the middle school for my middle child.  Okay, so this is maybe the least impressive school, but that is only in numbers.  There are other things to consider than just the numbers.  If I had my choice, maybe I would put my son in Project Chrysalis.  A charter school for middle school.  Too bad they have no room for anymore kids.  They have a total population of only 175 kids and they are housed at Cage elementary school.  Their numbers are impressive.  Very similar to Eastwood Academy.  One thing that did turn me off from them a bit was the inability to visit with the administrators of the school.  I called and called and couldn't get an appointment to meet with anyone at the school.  Here is what I was told.  Once I have applied (my son actually applies) and my son gets an interview, then and only then can we take a tour of the school and meet the principal.  I didn't really like this.  So, onto Jackson Middle School.  What a total difference in availability of staff!  We were able to meet with the magnet coordinator and the principal.  They were both fantastic people.  We were nervous about Jackson Middle school because our middle son has Muscular Dystrophy and we are always a bit more nervous about him fitting into a school.  After talking to the principal and magnet coordinator for quite some time, we were put completely at ease.  Then we were able to tour the school and were very happy with what we saw.  The teachers had control of the classrooms, the students seemed to be listening and learning.  There was nothing we saw that concerned us.  It was all positive.  Plus, the school was beautiful.  I also should say, that we have talked to a few parents who absolutely love the Jackson!

I talked to some Moms at the National Night Out in Eastwood this past week about schools.  They had only elementary school age kids, but were already looking to the future at middle school options.  They are talking about starting another charter school with help from the former principal of Eastwood Academy.  This is exciting and these women seemed very well equipped to see this through!  So, who knows what the future holds for my youngest!

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