Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Interview with Christopher about moving to Eastwood.

Christopher, how old are you?

12 years old.

What school grade are you in?

7th grade.

What do you think about moving to Eastwood?

I want to.  I like the idea.


Cuz I think it's going to be fun to be around a lot of kids who are different than me.  It's going to better than where we are now because I think the people will be nicer in Texas.  We are not going to all look the same and I will be unique and I like that.

What do you think of the school you will be attending?

I'm really looking forward to school.  It seems like a really good program.  I think teachers really care about the students and how they do.

Are you concerned about anything with regards to the move to Eastwood?

The only thing I'm sorta worried about is finding out I live next to a drug dealer.


Well, as long as the drug dealer isn't a gang member.

Hahaha, okay ;)  Why do you worry about gang members and drug dealers in Eastwood?

Cuz it's in the city and cities have gangs sometimes.  But, I'd rather do that than safe, little, "perfect" suburbs.  I like the hubcaps in some of the yards in Eastwood.  :)

You mentioned the suburbs, why don't you like the suburbs?

The suburbs are like dark, sad and depressing.

Why do you say that?

It seems like all the same looking houses pushing in on me.  Outside of that it's just plain, nothing is around suburbs.  The people all seem the same. It's like they all do the same thing.  Like they are all programmed to do the same thing at a certain time.

You saw and experienced Eastwood, do you think it will be safe for us?

I think it will be perfectly safe as long as we don't try to join a gang and we go about our normal lives.

Is there any other place in Houston that you think would be better for our family?

None of the places I've seen so far seem as unique or exciting as Eastwood.

Why do you think your Mom and Dad want to move to Eastwood?

My Mom thrives on the thrill in living in the city in a neighborhood like Eastwood.  My Dad wants to be really close to his job and family and he wants to make my Mom happy.

What do you think of the house we are buying?

It looks really nice.  It has really good looking rooms.  And there is a little shed in the yard with electricity.  We can use that shed for our hangout area.

Christopher, do you have any other things you want to say about our move to Eastwood?

I better not lose my xbox in the move!


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